i i i i i i like you very much
Today's letter is 'i'. I've ordered most of the back to school stuff I need on line from M&S so a nice big box arrived today for the kids to decorate.
My local camera store had an event recently with free vouchers for an A3 print. Really wanted one of the children together but it was a labour of love getting the shots!Nearly time for the new term to start and found these shots of the teacher's presents I made at the end of last term - academic diaries and note books.
** Kate **
Beautiful portraits, how on earth did you manage to choose just one to blow up?!
I bet you're the most popular parent in school with gifts like that - I barely manage as much as a box of roses!
Sarah x
Teachers must have been delighted with their gifts! x
beautiful portraits.
The pressies look fab too
You must be so chuffed : )
lis xx
Hope you're doing well
Lisa xoxo