All on a sunny afternoon

It's been a lovely day here. I've spent it with just the Branston Pickle catching up on some much needed gardening. The others have gone to a car boot sale so goodness knows what they'll come back with. I've had a lot of assistance from my little helper, so lots of digging and weeding but not a lot of planting done.

He's been very busy doing this...........
and this.................
and eventually fell asleep whilst eating a choccie ice cream.
While he snoozed I was able to quickly turn this.....
into this........
and the reverse...........
Tag You're It this week is 'Heaven Sent' and Sunday Stampers #105 is 'Wings'.

There's a party in the local park today which I normally go to but as Branston's a bit young and just a bit of a Pickle we've listened to the music from the garden instead. Tunes for gardening to and now tunes for cooking the tea to.
And all on a sunny afternoon!

** Kate **


Hels Sheridan said…
Fab up-cycling hun, thanks for joining in with the Sunday Stamper...your little fella look ssooo cute! :O))
Anne said…
Excellent Kate!! Awww... what an adorable little man you have there!! Love your tag, and very apt given the story you told of your day yesterday! Thanks so much for playing with us at TYI! xx
Netty said…
Smashing tag and great recycle. Annette x
Fantastic recycling of the tag Kate and I love the piccies of Brandon. Enjoy the music Thanks for joining us at TYI hugs Pascale
Unknown said…
You wore the little fella out lol! Brilliant Tag - I love how you have combined TYI and the sunday stamper challenge and recycling to boot! Brilliant! Janet TYI
Jan said…
Such a pretty little tag and I love the way you've recycled

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