All on a sunny afternoon
It's been a lovely day here. I've spent it with just the Branston Pickle catching up on some much needed gardening. The others have gone to a car boot sale so goodness knows what they'll come back with. I've had a lot of assistance from my little helper, so lots of digging and weeding but not a lot of planting done.
He's been very busy doing this...........
and this.................
and eventually fell asleep whilst eating a choccie ice cream.
While he snoozed I was able to quickly turn this.....
into this........
and the reverse...........
Tag You're It this week is 'Heaven Sent' and Sunday Stampers #105 is 'Wings'.
There's a party in the local park today which I normally go to but as Branston's a bit young and just a bit of a Pickle we've listened to the music from the garden instead. Tunes for gardening to and now tunes for cooking the tea to.
And all on a sunny afternoon!
** Kate **