
A bit of a conundrum today, but first ...

Small-N-Grubby was poorly in the night with a high temperature, symptoms very similar to his sister a couple of weeks ago. He seems much better this morning and is upset to be missing one of his new school visits - a class picnic. He keeps asking if I will ring and get them to move it to another day, bless.

Before all this happened yesterday I needed to get some quick birthday cards made up. I used the Hobbycraft toppers that I was given, the ones I wasn't too sure about. They don't look quite so bright once you separate them out individually.
I've added a few more mats to layer them up a bit. The next one is my favorite so far.

I think this next one will probably go to SMO's dad.

So, on to the conundrum. Amtrack delivered a huge box to me this morning, way exciting. I have won a major magazine prize, won't say for now until the mag is out. The box is full of lovely goodies for which I am most grateful. BUT (big but) there is one of the main prizes missing. So what is the etiquette here, do you contact them and make a discreet enquiry or does that just sound greedy and ungrateful. Help, what do I do?????

** Kate **


Paula Whittaker said…
I'd definetly say something,in the nicest possible way of course lol....its not greedy to ask or say something - Im sure they'd be more than happy to sort things out.
Angelnorth said…
First off: congrats on the win!

I'd contact them. You can always say you're just checking whether the missing item has gone astray in transit or something.
Hazel said…
Congratulations on winning the prize - and, yes, you should say something in the nicest way - something like you wonder whether perhaps it's coming separately
Lythan said…
Congrats on your mystery prize and I think Hazel has the right idea about mentioning the missing bit!
Paula Whittaker said…
ooppss...Ive come back as I totally forgot to say Congrats on winning your prize! Hope you get things sorted out!
mum-on-the-run said…
Well done Kate, congrats!

You won your prize fair and square, so you deserve to have all of it! I like Hazel's suggestion too :)
Kate said…
CONGRATULATIONS !!!! SO happy for you and yes you have to tell them, I'm sure they won't mind one bit. And don't forget to let us know what mag and when to buy it. Well done, I'm so excited for you !!!!
Classroomfree said…
Wow, congratulations on winning, must be a lovely feeling.
Personally I would get in touch and tell them that something was missing in a thank you so much for the wonderful prizes they are great but....kind of way :o)
Pootle said…
Congratulations on the win - look forward to finding out more! I would contact them re the missing bit too ;)

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