ThinkAn Idea or opinion appearing in your mind. Show us 'think' in your space today.
I'm sure I have photographed Pooh being thoughtful before, but anyway here he is again.
Last night the tidy-up took on new proportions. I wanted to put some stuff in the loft but SMO announced that nothing was going up until something came down. 5 big bags to the charity shop later and I'm sure the loft looks great, wish I could say the same for the rest of the house!
SMO is out for the next couple of evenings so I have some crafting planned. Some birthday cards and presents to sort out. I'm quite looking forward to ignoring the mess! The only suggestion I have had so far for an 8 year old boys card is Dr Who (did Pirates of the C last year). Any other ideas??
** Kate **
Card idea's for 8 year old boy hmmm my nephew is 8 this year and is into TMNT, Shrek and Spiderman.
Ben is 8 this year, he's nearly into Doctor Who. I say nearly because he's never really been into cars, figures, anything like that, books and word searches mostly. Not much help I spose. Actually saying that, he's just asked for the Shrek magazine sub so perhaps Shrek?
Fletch is 8 - he's really into Spongebob Squarepants!