A linear material often made from twisted cotton or hemp. Find 'string ' in your space today.
Yesterday's achievement : Got some tidying up done in the kitchen.
The Mars bar was purchased and fortified me as I walked up the hill, the weather was also good and I stayed dry. Small-N-Grubby, however, slipped in some mud and landed face down in a puddle. You wouldn't believe the amount of hassle such a little slip up could create. First of all there is the sobbing and "I'm just not having a good day speech", then I had to wash his coat when we got in. Being a nice thick winter jacket there was no way of drying it for today and, as snow is predicted across the UK, I sent to Grandma's where next winter's coat is already in storage. The Dinky Diva goes off on one " he's got 2 coats, it's not fair, I want that bigger coat, it WILL fit me....." and so on. I have to guiltily admit that some days I do like the peace and quiet when they have both gone to school!
Off to bake now as there is a cake sale after school this afternoon.
** Kate **