Book and blanket
Woke up yesterday with an incredible urge to tidy. Roped mum in and had the living room practically done before she arrived. Then between us we tackled the kids room, where I was having difficulty manoeuvring my bulk around various obstacles. I think all this activity must be due to the start of my 3rd trimester, there really isn't that long to go now before I resemble the Goodyear blimp and am unable to do anything but veg in front of the TV - I wish!
Haven't been on HS:MS again this weekend, I will get a bump self-portrait ready for Saturday. Yesterday's prompt was 'blanket'.
Fabric sheeting to cover, warm and disguise. We all have blankets - which is your favourite?
There's lots of cute little blankets being washed and aired around the house at the moment. I couldn't resist this one.
Today's Hs:Ms is 'Book'.
Bounded collection of pages or to determine a reservation - give us books!
I do like my Harry Potter's.
The Dinky Diva informs me they are to stretch book 7 into 2 films making a total of 8 and presumably several £100m pounds more!
After all that activity yesterday I am rewarding myself with a bit of a crafting day today. I have started a mini book about the boy with some photos of when he was one and also have some new beads to play with.
Did manage to alter my baby diary over the weekend. Turned out a bit pink, was unintentional/subliminal!
** Kate **