
Today's HS:MS:HS word is 'Birthday'. Here's Small-N-Grubby celebrating his 4th birthday on the morning we are due to come home from holiday in 2007. The only candle we could find was from the gift shop of a local castle, cost a bit but a young man only turns 4 once!

It reminds me that all the ingredients, icing and toppings for my birthday cake are still sat in the cupboard from July!

Happy Birthday Ellie, who becomes a teenager today.
And also Happy Birthday to SuzyB, who doesn't quite qualify as a teenager any more!

** Kate **


Chris T said…
very cute - love the expression - doesn't look quite sure if he should blow or not
Unknown said…
Why thank you and who says I dont quality as a teenager anymore - I shall forever be, 16 years old ;o)
Anonymous said…
Love the look on his face!

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