
Today's prompt at HS:MS:HS is a secret plot to get fridges and freezers cleaned! It's 'Magnetic'.

Was going to photograph the Mr Potato head set but when I bent down to look at the freezer I couldn't believe how yukky it was!

Due to time restraints (the weather is nice so that means I am back trundling the pushchair up and down to school) I have just cleaned one magnet and a small patch of the fridge!
Attempted more craft de-cluttering last night but ended up gathering together a pile of unwanted goodies to make some quick cards with. By the time I'd done this there was no time to make anything, particularly as I couldn't possibly miss the 2nd instalment of Whitechapel.

** Kate **


canadacole saidā€¦
Ooh, I love Eeyore, and that's a fun angle you chose. Good job cleaning, even if it's just a spot clean. I just used Picasa's retouch to get rid of the dirt (mine's on a white board, always some ink stuff left behind).
hannah saidā€¦
lovely and clean! Also like the angle.
Gez Butterworth saidā€¦
Great shot! Yours definately counts. :o)
I feel for you having to push the pram through the snow, it's not easy is it...I'm in the same boat! Our schools stayed wasn't too bad going there up hill, it was the getting back down! The snow has gone now so no more walking like a penguin. :o)
You've got some yummy shots on your blog, Well done. Can't wait to visit again. Take care. x
Photographing Mom saidā€¦
Ahh, my favorite Pooh character!
Chris T saidā€¦
Great angle - nice & bright too!

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