Opposites of Construction

Yesterday's HS:MS:HS was 'Construct'. Here we have construction on a very big scale.
And the opposite.
Today everything is 'Rosy' on HS:MS:HS and rather than dig out an old photo of a rose I took this pic of my valentine's flowers which are just about still with us. Not quite rosy.
Have played around digitally altering the pics to make some pop art that I'll share at the weekend.

Have managed a couple of pics of my little dancers in costume from last week. Here's the Dinky Diva, note how she automatically stands in 1st position without being prompted.
Here, on the other hand, is Small-N-Grubby stood like a sack of spuds!
Back for a bit more of QVC craft day. Not bought anything yet, tempted but nothing has made me rush for the phone.

** Kate **


canadacole said…
I like the comparison between the two construct photos! Very clever!

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