A summery canvas in blue

Mum is 75 this week, I don't think she is shouting it from the roof tops but I thought I would just let the entire world know (if they care to look here of course!)

I've made her a little canvas to fit with some challenges and there's a little '75' hidden on there too.
It's all in blue for this week's theme at Sunday Stamper. The flower is a Penny Black image.I've painted the canvas with acrylic in blue and cream and then just decorated it, spritzed it and rubbed metallic wax on it. I'm also entering it for:

If you have any summer creations there's still time to enter this month's challenge at By The Cute And Girly too.

** Kate **


Hels Sheridan said…
Happy Birthday to your Mum, 75 is the new 60 :O)) Bet she will love this pretty canvas, thanks for joining in with the Sunday Stamper
pinky said…
Your Mum will definitely love this, very creation. Thanks for sharing at Sir Stampalot this month.
brenda said…
Hi Kate

Your card is beautifuk, I am sure you Mum will treasure it and the 67 is very subtle indeed.

Thank you for joining us at Stampalot Challenge this month and good luck.

B x
PinksyDoodles said…
Hi Kate,
This is beautiful. Your Mum is going to love it.
Thank you for entering the challenge at Sir Stampalot this month.
Clare x
Tracy said…
Gorgeous creation, thanks for joining Sir Stampalot’s challenge, good luck.
Happy crafting
Tracy x

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