What's On Your Workdesk (Pile)? Wednesday

And on the conveyor belt today we have:

  • A canvas that I've just started.
  • A box of punches with a task to do.
  • One of my newest Tildas waiting to be coloured.
  • A cuddly toy.
  • Some letters that went wrong.
  • Bits and pieces pulled out for several projects I have on the go currently.

Ok, so I lied about the cuddly toy. If you want to play alongwith WOYWW, or see other workspaces, then pop to Julia's here and join in, all are welcome.

I don't think I managed visits to more than half a dozen desks last week, so a 'C- must do better' for my homework.

Is anyone else trying to lose the post-Christmas and New year bulge at the moment? I put on a whole 7 lb and have managed to lose 3 of them, but I just find myself ravenous! I blame the grotty weather. It's such an effort to drag yourself out and you end up soaked. I'd much rather snuggle under a blanket with a good book and some chocolate!

** Kate **


Karen saidā€¦
A creative looking conveyor belt there!!
I know what you mean about the weather, isn't it depressing?? Roll on the Summer!!
Have a great WOYWW,
Karen #84
nnalorac saidā€¦
Hi Kate, looking forward to seeing your finished canvas, might inspire me! Always burnt out after Christmas, January, usually is a slow month for me but hopefully I'm getting back up too speed. Me to with the weight thing, have to get rid of some of it, have a very important Wedding this year so want to not be the PLUMPY in all the photos lol!! As Karen says, Roll on Summer! Carolxx
Maggie's Crafts saidā€¦
Lovely and busy!

Thank you for sharing and have a great Woyww!

Debs saidā€¦
Lots of interesting stuff going on there and hey, it's warm and dry in the gym! the swimming pool is another matter! at least my current gym doesn't have an outdoor pool and jacuzzi! lol
Twiglet saidā€¦
Yes I think the weather has a lot to answer for - I always feel much thinner in warmer weather -lol!
Cute Tilda!! TFS.

Sam # 26
okienurse saidā€¦
WOW there is a lot going on on your desk. Congrats on the weight loss.
Vickie #59
Annie saidā€¦
Fab looking conveyer belt you have there but silly me wasted half an hour looking for the cudly toy....only joking :-)
A x
Lots of things to play with on your desk. Thanks for sharing them with us.
Marjo saidā€¦
Fun creative workspace. Thanks for the peek and sharing, hugs Marjo #7
Janice saidā€¦
You know, I even looked for the cuddly toy doh! lol.

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