What's Cluttering Up Your Kitchen Worktop Wednesday

WCUYKWW for short.  It is of course WOYWW (What's on your workdesk Wednesday), but as I still don't have an operational workdesk you will have to make do with snippets of crafting from what ever space I can find.  In this case I'm working in the kitchen on some stamping.
I've snagged some Smash Book goodies but the actual books were all sold out, so in the bottom right there is a little blue book from Paperchase that I'm going to experiment on.  I'm quite glad I don't have the actual thing yet as I'm not sure whether to keep it themed or just put in anything that I see or that pops into my head.  The accessories in themselves are very useful for scrapbook pages, so I may well have to replenish then before I ever get a Smash Book.
The larger book, also from Paperchase, is to make a catalogue of my Magnolia stamps, as the collection grows I get the feeling that duplication is imminent.

As usual there will be many and varied workspaces over at Julia's blog just waiting for you to pop over and peruse them.

** Kate **


jude said…
Great idea to catalogue your stamps i did the same some years ago and now up to 3 large exercise books..lol
I might be bit slow on the take but whats a "Smash Book"..lol
Have fab woyww and creative week
hugs judex11
Lisa Jane said…
I have n idea what a smash book is either ,,, where have i been?? But great idea re catalogueing our stamps
Lisa x
nerllybird said…
Yep, I started cataloguing my stamps....although there's no real danger of duplication, I thought it would be useful. You'll notice I said 'started'.....lol
Helen S
Minxy said…
ok i must of been living under a rock as i've not heard of 'smash' b4.. well only the instant mash kind lol
whatever it is have fun with it
Happy wednesday
hugs Minxy x
Twiglet said…
Fab card in above post Kate - will email you about your laundry bag!! x Jo
Lisa-Jane said…
Oooh lucky you with the Smash goodies! I want one of the pens / glue sticks if nothing else - how totally handy would that be? Can I just say too that your colouring on your magnolia cards is simply beautiful!
Anonymous said…
I haven't a clue what a smash book is but I keep seeing people refer to them in blogland! Good idea to catalogue the stamps it's too easy to duplicate and they're not exactly cheap are they?

okienurse said…
A friend of mine tried to talk me into buying a Smash book but I did the same as you and made my own. I like it better. have fun with making yours. Thanks for sharing. Vickie
Elizabeth said…
I've seen some Smash books on YouTube so have some idea of what they are about - they do look like fun. I started cataloguing my stamps some time ago and still working on it - trouble is I keep buying more stamps before I've catalogued what I already own. Hope you have a great weekend crafting with your new goodies. Elizabeth x #99
Spyder said…
see, I need to get out more I had no idea what a smash book was, good idea about make the stamp book, so you know what you have! It's surprising how quickly you can forget! Happy Crafting
HaPpY LaTe WoYwW

Julia Dunnit said…
Gotta investigate this smash thing a bit more. Bet you never repeat purchase a stamp. I can't tell you what I've got - but I can look at a rack of stamps in a shop and tell you what I haven't got!

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