WOYWW #109

It's Wednesday, the day to share your workspace with anyone who wants to have a nosey!  All this is organised by the most splendid Julia over here, although I doubt there is much she could do to stop it now; it has a life of its own!

On my desk today must be just about the worst job in the crafting world................
Sticking  e-z mount onto unmounted stamps.  Yeesh, it's sticky and  messy; and you always end up cutting a bit you're not supposed too!

As you can see my obsession with new stamps will never end, mwahahaha.

** Kate **


Annie said…
Rather you than me :-)
A x
Helen said…
I hate mounting stamps - dreadful job... good luck!
Neil said…
I hate that too! That's why I try not to buy too many unmounted stamps! Worth it in the end though when you can use them for the first time......
Anonymous said…
Ohh I agree tis the worst job - everyone has suggested to me to use the Tim Holtz scissors but I still hate it

Sue said…
Hi ya
couldnt agree more, hate that job, half the time i dont bother to use it! happy cutting!thanks for the mooch, happy WOYWW, sue,x
Lisa-Jane said…
Gosh I've never bought stamps like that, thank goodness! I love your new blog colouring by the way!
the bit i'm not supposed to cut is usually me - in my temper and frustration of wanting the job done and onto the good bit - actually stamping ,

which I then can't do 'cos I'm dripping blood,


hence my lovely collection of wood mounteds which I always buy in preference if they are available..

Twiglet said…
Never done it but it looks tedious - you will enjoy using them so it will all be worthwhile!!
jude said…
I absolutely hate that job as you say sticky mess...lol I try buy already mounted i know cheating but saves getting sticky wicky..lol
Hugs judex15
okienurse said…
I empathize with you sistah! As you can see from my desk this week I am unmounting the wood mounted ones so I can create more space to get more. I am buying all unmounted or those on ez mount from now on!!! Thanks for sharing. Vickie #44
Spyder said…
I hate doing the little tiny stamps and then I lose them but once it's done I spoes it's worth it. They're supposed to be cheaper but most times they are not. I hate more,the thought of 'unmounting' wood stamps,like pulling one's nails off! Yuk! Happy Crafting, Happy Late WOYWW
((Lyn)) #29

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