I'm Still Here

Not sure how many times I may have typed that blog title?  But, I am still here.  Reading blogs daily, dipping into my Twitter feed and generally mooching about.  I've finally got my new work schedule and it's a little more full on than last term, hitting some of the times I might have normally thought about crafting and blogging.  So, I need a new plan to maximise my free time to include:
- Relaxing
- Creating - what ever form that may take
- Family time
- Household chores
- Voluntary work  
I'll have to give it some thought.

The early mornings are getting chillier here, but we've been blessed with some very sunny days and more are forecast as on the way.  With my schedule feeling a bit overwhelming the summer holidays seem like a long time ago.
My thoughts are often here, rather than where they should be!



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