Friday Smile

Joining Annie's Friday smiles this week with a little surprise.
I've had my waist length hair cut off for donation to the Little Princess Trust.  The Dinky Diva had 7 inches cut off hers as well.  Hopefully we have put a smile on the face of a little princess somewhere.



Annie saidā€¦
Oh wow. Well done you...and I'm really loving the new hair cut too so there's a bonus.
Thanks for joining in this week.
Annie x
Lythan saidā€¦
Oh that's fab. Cute haircut too. My son donated his elbow length hair to the same charity and is very proud of his pink princess certificate :)
ah, Kate! what a wonderful thing to do and love the photo great work bring happy smiles to us as well as the princesses :D Shaz in Oz.x
This is a very noble and worthy cause. I have a friend who does this every few years, and now her daughter, who just turned 8, is donating her hair, too.

Congrats to both you and your daughter. Very, very impressive and a wonderful photo of the two of you.
Julia Dunnit saidā€¦
Oh well done both of you, it's quite a thing to do! You look completely different! I hope you like it as much as you should, it looks fab! And erm...last time I saw a pic of the Diva, she was actually DINKY!
okienurse saidā€¦
That is awesome and such a caring giving thing to do. I can just imagine the happy girl would gets a new do thanks to you! Vickie
Elizabeth saidā€¦
Well done to both of you ... a brave thing to do but easy when it's for such a good cause, I'm sure. You both look fabulous and your lovely photo definitely made me smile. Elizabeth xx
fairy thoughts saidā€¦
Well done ......your hair looks fab but then I haven't seen it before ha ha
Robyn Oliver saidā€¦
Go Kate and 'Diva' - what a wonderful donation to a super cause. You're both looking fabulous - enjoy your new looks, cheers Robyn
Vicki Montague saidā€¦
Well done you! And what a great cause...
mamapez5 saidā€¦
Well done. You both look great. I am sure there is a princess smiling at you. Kate x

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