Travel Planner Revelation part #3

Well not exactly a revelation, but little me was quite excited by this discovery.  I'd been looking at full size travellers notebooks, the long thin sort, and thinking about how I might set one up.  I like the look of the new version from Websters Pages with pockets and slots in it, but they aren't available yet and I was growing impatient!

A quick search on the Internet showed up lots of possibilities and then started showing results for travel wallets, the sort of thing you carry you documents and tickets in, well I have one of those.

It's a very old one from Quicksilver and Travelers Times had the inserts to fit, including a vertical planner, be still me heart.

So now I have a big wallet of travel goodness to play with on my next long trip (which sadly may not be until later in the year.)  I've put some washi tape onto little thread holders, added some clips and slotted in my minimalist note book plus the April sticker kit from Sea Salt and Paper.

I've covered the planner with some Amy Tangerine paper and used the bear sticker to co-ordinate with the Paperchase mini book.  I did buy a plain book in the tall thin size which I can swap out if the mini book is full by the time I need to use it.

There's room for plenty more and all contained nicely in a zip up wallet. Along with this I will take a big bag of goodies.  My supplies are currently in a Victoria Green bag I found at Debenhams similar to this one, but I may look for something that opens out a little more.  Included in it will be pens, sketch pencils, watercolours, a small water colour paper pad and mini ideas book, as well as extra washi and stickers I'm sure.

There you have my travel planners all set up.  You can find part#1 the minimalist here and part #2 with weekend version here.



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Our facebook group ā€œselflessā€ is spending this month spreading awareness on prostate cancer & research with a custom t-shirt design. Purchase proceeds will go to, as listed on the shirt and shirt design.


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