New Year - New You Choices
Well, I confess, I didn't lose any weight last week, although I didn't put any on either so it's not all bad news. I have decided that my lack of success is down to poor choices. I often read in magazines handy hints about selecting the right nibbles and drinks at parties or substitute a glass of wine a day for a lime soda and lose 1lb in a month (data courtesy of the Healthy Food Guide February 2012 issue). So here are my thoughts about choices.
- Pick Your Treats - the picture above is of a slice of Morrisons Gluten Free Fruit Cake. It is 2.5 inches long, an inch wide and half an inch deep. In other words, it is small, gone in 2 bites! It contains the same amount of calories as a pack of crisps from a Walkers multibag, Cadbury's Flake from a multibar pack or a cup of instant coffee with a Freddo bar.
- Treat Your Tastebuds - The same fruit cake slice above has the texture of rubber and lots of the dried fruit in it still has a stalk in. It is not a pleasurable taste experience. So why eat it? After one bite I should put it down and say "Yuck! I'm not eating that." but I don't. And what's more I go on to eat the other 4 slices in the box over the course of the week. It's not a one-off occurrence either, it happens all the time. Biscuits with the texture of sawdust, cereal that's gone soggy because someone didn't roll the bag back up and so on. I don't like to waste food, but at the same time I should be allowed to treat myself with a bit of respect. From now on if it tastes vile I will stop eating it, throw the rest of the packet away and make a note of the product details so that I don't buy it again.
** Kate **